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Name - Anna    Email -
Date -- Friday, 7 July 2006, at 6:56 a.m.    From - USA
What a great site

Name - Katie
Date -- Friday, 11 February 2005, at 5:04 a.m.
Like your MLP content. I am going to start my own personal MLP pages. My page:

Name - Messr. Katrina, also known as John, Kate, Paddlebrains, and many other joking names bestowed on me by the general public.    Email -
Date -- Wednesday, 12 January 2005, at 9:13 p.m.    From - Phoenix, AZ, A.K.A Hell.
I like your site a lot. I now know a lot more about LotR then I ever thought i would have.
Also-- Your fan fics page is AWESOME.
You're a cool cousin that should live closer to AZ. Seriously. But dont get too close, cos' Sam'll kill you. XD
Later, and come back here SOON,