The Project . . .

| Timeline | Tour | Cleanup | Electrical | Exterior / Garage |
| Front Bed | Guest Bed | Master Bed | Master Bath |
| Hall Bath | Hallway | Living room/Den | Kitchen |

Exterior / Garage

Original exterior / garage:

Front yard/house - faces east
Back yard - NE and SE corners
Back yard - SW and NW corners
converted garage, attic access
remaining 'garage' area

mid-November, 2008:
Shed in back yard torn down.

shed dismantled

November 20, 2008:
Removed bush at corner of garage, fill dirt spread as needed.

bush uprooted

holes filled in front yard

holes filled at entry

holes filled along south wall

January 18, 2009: French drain

Aug 17, 2023
Currently the drain pipe ends at the house edge, and there's just a shallow ditch beyond to drain the water away. The original plan was to continue the piping out into the backyard and end it in an underground gravel chamber, but this seems to be working fine the way it is.

(replaced end of August, 2009)

original windows

new windows

front room interior another view exterior closeup

front bedroom interior

new front bedroom

front bedroom exterior

original windows

new windows

master bedroom master bath corner of living room

by back door kitchen

flipped open

Improving "curb appeal":

old siding, door, mailbox, light, house #s

11-5-09: siding removed

11-5-09: siding removed

11-7-09: new front door

11-10-09: ready for new siding

11-13-09: new siding installed

new outlet, mail box, house #s

11-13-09: garage doors removed

11-15-09: siding painted

mid-Nov: Eaves/fascia covered

Close-up of garage corner

Thanksgiving: fiberglass front door stained

early February - snow makes everything pretty
early July, 2010: porch light finally installed (CFL bulb, dark-skies compliant)

early August, 2010: gables covered

Aug. 8, 2010 - Finished repainting curb numbers

Dec '10-Jan '11 - Replaced old meter & disconnect

New chimney rain cap

New car for driveway

vent for pellet stove insert
December 28, 2011

January 1, 2012

March 22, 2012

April 11-13, 2012:
New sewer line for kitchen drains

cutting concrete
jackhammered sidewalks
removed broken concrete
digging trenches
trench digger video (3.2MB - click to play)

April 19-20: new sidewalk

5-16-12: painting doors

June - interior of garage

2013: back fence trees

The hackberries kept dropping huge limbs during storms.
So I had them all cut down in December, 2013.

brush pile

remainder of log pile

2017: roof stuff

hail storm Jan 21

3-16: wanted a new roof before installing solar panels;
thanks to the hail storm, insurance paid for it!

3-21: installed solar panels on the west side

April 11, 2018:
removed back wire fence (that was falling over)

January 2021: side door to garage replaced

Feb 3, 2021
installed a permanent LED 'nightlight'
so the garage won't be pitch black, since
none of the doors have windows.

Fence removal:

March 25, 2017

April 14, 2018
The wooden fence gradually fell apart. Sections on the north side went first (2020), & I tore down the north-side gates in 2021. The south fence was newer but the much-repaired south-east section finally fell apart in the fall of 2022, so Dad & I took down the remaining fence then.

Remaining tasks:

Replace fence
Organize garage / wall racks to hang stuff
Bamboo barrier? (see below)

notes from phone conversation
with bamboo guru in Houston

bamboo reached the yard in spring of 2021

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| Timeline | Tour | Cleanup | Electrical | Exterior / Garage |
| Front Bed | Guest Bed | Master Bed | Master Bath |
| Hall Bath | Hallway | Living room/Den | Kitchen |

Check out my Sitemap for more 'updates' info. Last updated: August 17, 2023