5 April 2008

Matamata to Rotorua

Hobbiton Movie Set in Matamata
(There are a LOT of photos in this section. Click HERE to skip to the end.)

sign at Shire's Rest

tour bus to Hobbiton

The Shire's Rest

Shire's Rest-room

panorama at Shire's Rest

bus ride through 'the Shire'

bus ride to Hobbiton

backside of The Hill

bus ride to Hobbiton

Joe at Hobbiton

Joe's photo

Janene & Joe at Hobbiton

(larger photo)

production still

road out of Hobbiton

production still

production still

looking toward the pond

The Party Tree

tour guide at Party Tree

tour guide at Party Tree

pond bank by Party Tree

production still

production still

production still

tour guide

production still

production still

panorama of the pond

the pond

the pond

the pond

production still

(larger photo)

The Hill

The Hil

Joe below Bag End

Janene below Bag End

hobbit hole facade

hobbit hole facade

hobbit holes

path up the hill

path up the hill

another hobbit hole

hobbit holes

production still

view from The Hill

production still

the pond from Bag End

Bag End path & steps

production still

Bilbo's home

Janene & Joe at Bilbo's

Janene & Joe at Bilbo's

view from top of The Hill

view from top of The Hill

view from top of The Hill

view from top of The Hill


production still

Party Tree & Party Field

panorama of the Shire


Party Tree

heading back down

path down

path down

visitors on footpath

hobbit holes

visitors on footpath

bus ride back to Shire's Rest

bus ride back to Shire's Rest

Mount Maunganui

leaving the Shire

highway maintenance workers

Mount Maunganui

beach at Mount Maunganui

To Rotorua

windbreak hedges

Okere Inlet

Skyline Luge in Rotorua

gondola ride to luge

gondola ride to luge

gondola ride to luge

Joe on luge cart

Joe's Luge Ride Video
(4:13, 57.5MB)

Janene's Video
(12s, 1.9MB)

Janene on luge track

Janene on luge track

Janene on luge track

Lugers Video #1
(14s, 1.8MB)

Lugers Video #2
(17s, 2.7MB)

Intermediate Luge Run
Video (3:13, 36.7MB)

Chairlift Loading Carts
Video (8s, 1.6MB)

Gondola Ride Video
(23s, 2.4MB)

Maori Welcome Ceremony

Joe (far right)

Welcome Ceremony
Video (8s, 0.7MB)

Maori Warrior haka face

audience participation haka faces

Joe's haka face Video
(18s, 1.7MB)

View all Entries

About us

Joe & Janene at the Grotto in Victoria

In 2008, Joe & Janene, parents of Cary (Zzickle), went on a
2-month-long group RV trip to Australia & New Zealand.


4 5 6 7 8
to L.A. L.A. -- Adel. K.I.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
K.I. South Australia Victoria
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Vict. Tasmania
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Melb. Victoria New S Wales
30 31
New S Wales

1 2 3 4 5
Sydney N Island, NZ
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
North Island, NZ S.I.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
South Island, NZ
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
South Island, NZ