2 July

Copenhagen to Göttingen, Germany

The ferry arrived in Copenhagen right on schedule. We were some of the last ashore because we finished watching "The Weakest Link" on telly before leaving. We walked about one mile to the nearest Metro station and rode to the central station. We had about 1.5 hours till our train to Germany – the same one that tried to leave us on the northbound trip – so we had plenty of time to change our Swedish and Norwegian money back to Euros.

We got enough Danish Kroner to buy goodies for lunch. None of the money changers will deal with coins, and there were no beggars or musicians about (where is a beggar when you need one?) so I asked a girl sitting next to me if she ever went to Norway. She said she was going next week on holiday, so I gave her my coins.

We met a couple from Perth, Australia, on the train and had a nice chat and exchanged tips on places to go. Lunch was enjoyed on the deck of the ferry. We were NOT the last ones back on the train this time, even though we never heard the announcement this time either! The Aussies left us in Lübeck while we continued on through Hamburg.

Our train was running about 40 minutes late, so we only had a few minutes to make our connection, but we made it with time to spare and avoided having to spend the night in Hamburg. Instead, we traveled past Hanover and stopped in Göttingen, a university town of about 130,000 people. Although there is a big bike rally tomorrow, and we got the next to last hotel room in town, we're glad we came here. This is another of those very nice, clean small cities that we love to find.

After having patches of snow along the roads just two days ago, we're back in 90 degree heat – and in a place where air-conditioning is not common. The first thing we did after checking in was to shower and change clothes. We went out and walked almost all the way around the town on a greenbelt until dark. That's another change from Norway; it gets dark here at night!!

Daily miles: 5.92 Expenses: 100€ (Hotel Central, food)

Overnight ferry

approaching Copenhagen

You are the weakest link!

To Göttingen, Germany

ferry passengers

Puttgarden ferry terminal

Puttgarden ferry terminal

train on ferry

Neue Elbbrücke in Hamburg


count the TVs

edge of downtown area

St. John’s Church

city hall

dance trio near city hall


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About us

Joe & Janene at Eiffel Tower

In 2010, Joe & Janene, parents of Cary (Zzickle), went on a 5-month-long backpacking trip around Europe.


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