Episode 3: Road Not Taken
Scenes from the DVD set's "Final Shooting Script"
that do not appear in the episode.
RICHIE - --of any kind! He didn't buy that "If you're not on steroids you can't compete" crap. POWELL - Yeah, yeah . . . and he helped poor blind folks across the street. Wait -- don't tell me -- he used to hang out at the Christian Science Reading Room. RICHIE - You really are a-- MacLEOD - [quickly] From what I hear, Sergeant, Gary wasn't exactly a saint, but if Richie says he was clean, then I believe him. POWELL - You can believe in the tooth fairy, pal. I got a memory like an elephant -- Gary Correll hung around with a bunch of scumbag bikers. He had a list of misdemeanors it'd take you till next Tuesday to plow through. [to Richie] When was the last time you saw him? RICHIE - About six months ago, maybe longer. POWELL - A lot can happen in six months. MacLEOD - People do change, Richie. RICHIE - [piercing MacLeod with a stare] Yeah? Well, you didn't know Gary at all, did you? [turning to Powell] I want to see him. POWELL - What for? RICHIE - He was my friend. Isn't that enough? [Powell deliberates for a moment . . . then shrugs an okay.]
EXT. CHINA – COUNTRYSIDE – 300 YEARS AGO – DAY [The white sleeve of a flowing robe CUTS ACROSS CAMERA revealing the lined face of an aged Chinese man -- THE HERBALIST -- as he raises his arms in greeting.] HERBALIST - You honor my humble dwelling.
THE SCENE [MacLeod -- a younger, "teenage" Immortal -- and his friend, KIEM SUN, a handsome Chinese Immortal, stand before the Herbalist's hut.] SUN - Your reputation reached us in the Khingan Mountains to the North. HERBALIST - Then you have traveled long and hard. Let me quench your thirst. [The Herbalist bows slightly, disappears into the hut. MacLeod surveys the hut with a critical eye.] MacLEOD - An herbalist of such renown should live in a handsome house. I hope this wasn't a wasted journey. SUN - We have an eternity of days, MacLeod. We can afford to waste a few. I ride with you because you are an entertaining fellow -- the only one of our kind I ever trusted in six hundred years -- but there are times when you are such a doubting Thomas. MacLEOD - All great ideas begin with someone having the courage to doubt. SUN - And then having the courage to take that idea and light up the world with it. But you -- you sit on that Immortal backside of yours -- swilling sake -- and watch humanity grope in the darkness. MacLEOD - [grinning] I like sake . . . But I don't like this notion we should interfere in mankind's progress. SUN - Why not? We Immortals could make this planet a paradise. MacLEOD - And all humanity has to do, in return, is give up its freedom. Doesn't sound like paradise to me. Let mankind be; they prefer it that way. Our business is the Gathering. [The Herbalist comes out of the hut with two wooden goblets and a hunk of bread on a tray. As they eat and drink:] HERBALIST - Here is bread and water. MacLEOD - Many thanks. It's a pity a man of your talents has to live so meagerly. HERBALIST - Did you journey here for guidance, or for a lavish banquet. SUN - Forgive my friend; he is very young and very skeptical. It is said you have a knowledge of medicine greater than any man alive. We have come to learn. HERBALIST - And what would you do with this knowledge? Use it for riches, for personal fame? SUN - No, sir. We seek only to make the world a happier place. HERBALIST - An untroubled world is a noble goal . . . And I have achieved it, right here. Come . . . [The Herbalist leads them past the hut and points to where--]
ANGLE – A FIELD [In the distance, PEASANTS are plowing and tilling. SEVERAL HUGE BOULDERS litter the field.] HERBALIST - [off screen] All this land was once barren. The people were starving.
BACK TO SCENE HERBALIST - Meanwhile, the local Warlords grew fat on . . . [a sidelong glance at MacLeod] Lavish banquets. Now everyone is equal; they all work side by side in peace and harmony. MacLEOD - [pointing] Kiem Sun, look!
ANGLE – THE FIELD [TWO PEASANTS clear a path for the plow by lifting two huge boulders and casting them aside.]
BACK TO SCENE MacLEOD - That's impossible! No man could lift such a weight. This must be sorcery! SUN - [to Herbalist] As I said, my friend is very young-- MacLEOD - [aside to Kiem Sun] I'm a hundred years old. SUN - --and very foolish. [to Herbalist] How did you work such a miracle? HERBALIST - Kwanlo root . . . more precious than gold; an ounce would ransom an Emperor. It takes a lifetime to ferment . . . [smiling enigmatically] . . . then mixed with certain herbs from my garden . . . the potion produces remarkable results. SUN - Remarkable indeed -- complete obedience and miraculous strength -- with such a potion . . . [to the Herbalist] Sir, give me the formula and I will use it well, I swear. HERBALIST - I cannot be sure of that . . . So I will give you the ingredients of the potion, but not the formula. MacLEOD - What use is that? HERBALIST - If he has the determination to succed, he will discover the formula. [back to Kiem Sun] But live long, my friend, or you will be dust before the Kwanlo root's fermentation is complete. [Kiem Sun looks at MacLeod . . . and they suddenly both burst out laughing.] SUN - I will never become dust, old man. MacLEOD - Unless you lose your head. [Kiem Sun draws his sword -- so does MacLeod. They cross them in an oath.] MacLEOD - And I pledge that will not happen. As long as you are right. SUN - Thank you, MacLeod. [And as they sheath their swords, still laughing, CLOSE IN on MacLeod's sword as we-- End Flashback
MacLEOD - Root? POWELL - Yeah, the M.E.'s never come across anything like it before. But he's working on it . . .
MacLEOD - That's very true . . . from what you tell me. Well, thank you for your time, Sergeant. POWELL - Hey, MacLeod. Why you so interested in all of this? MacLEOD - [not stopping] Like I told you, Gary Correll was Richie's friend.
RICHIE - I haven't quite got that figured yet, but it's great. I mean, man, I really landed on my feet.
RICHIE - When did you two start seeing each other? ANGIE - After you split, for a few months. It was nothing like . . . The only time he wanted to be with me was in the sack. Rest of the time, we hung out with this bunch of lowlife bikers. I finally said to myself, "Girl, if you don't make some changes in your life, you're gonna end up a thirty year old biker groupie." Sent shivers down my spine.
In 'Final Shooting Script', "Flashback - China, 1780" occurs here.
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EXT. HOGS BAR – DAY – CONTINUOUS [Angie and Richie emerge into the sunlight.] ANGIE - That's forty-nine you owe me. RICHIE - You should've stayed out of it. I was doin' great till you walked in. ANGIE - Sure you were. They were spillin' their guts all over the sidewalk. Nobody does anything for nothing in this part of town . . . Come to think of it, in any part of town. Montgomery and Ninth. RICHIE - Okay, I'll take it from here. ANGIE - Like hell you will. You're hopeless. You don't know it, but you weren't gonna get out of there with your nose in place. RICHIE - That's crazy. They were just having some fun. ANGIE - Uh-uh . . . the fun hadn't even started. [hopping on her bike] Montgomery and Ninth. [revving up] Let's go. [Richie shrugs and hops on.]
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