Episode 12: They Also Serve
Scenes from the DVD set's "Final Shooting Script"
that do not appear in the episode.
MIKE - [to Justin; re cards] How many? JUSTIN - [putting down three cards] Three. [Mike gives Justin three new cards as:] MAUREEN - [off her cards] I'll take two. [She exchanges two cards.] MIKE - I was in Boulder for a while. [beat] Great looking women. [Maureen throws him a look.] DAWSON - [exchanging cards] Three. And try to do a little better. IAN - [turning in a card] One. [The others shoot him looks. Ian ignores them, fanning out his cards carefully with tiny, controlled movements.] JUSTIN - You got a helluva poker face, Ian. IAN - Tool of the trade, my boy. MIKE - Dealer takes two.
MAUREEN - [tossing a chip] Five bucks.
DAWSON - [putting in the chips] I'll call.
IAN - [indignant] What guys? MIKE - [sheepish] Did I say something?
[Nobody pays Mike any attention.]
[There's dead silence at the table. Rita tears a couple more cards in half.] RITA - There went Gaspar. There goes Legris. Here's Stanton. [beat] Here's Darius. [She holds up a card.]
This line was not in the original shooting script.
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INT. MACLEOD'S LOFT – DAY [MacLeod stands by the window with the Chronicle. He raises his eyes from the book. Looks out the window to see - THE ALLEY - Joe Dawson moves toward his car.] MacLEOD - [calls down to Dawson] Thanks. [Dawson waves.] [Another POV - Binocular matt also watching Dawson from afar. The binoc POV tilts off Dawson and up the side of MacLeod's building, settling on MacLeod, silhouetted in the window of the loft.]
EXT. ALLEY BEHIND DOJO – DAY RITA - [lowers her binoculars] Perfect.
[Dawson now seems a bit daunted, realizing his dilemma. He struggles to defend himself.] IAN - Joe, you broke your oath. It's as simple as that. [Ian looks at Dawson a beat. Reads his silence.]
EXT. PRACTICE YARD – OUTER MONGOLIA – 1780'S – DAY [MacLeod points to his sword.] MacLEOD - That was his gift to me. [May-Ling nods, knowing the import. Their sparring continues. MacLeod uses his weight and tries to throw May-Ling off balance. May-Ling uses MacLeod's weight against him. He is thrown.] MAY-LING - You must be the crane and the reed, not only the tiger. [MacLeod massages his hurt back.] MacLEOD - [grumbling] I'll try to remember... [May-Ling extends a hand, helping MacLeod up. He wipes the sweat from his brow with his sleeve as May-Ling puts her sword away.] MAY-LING - You are a fine warrior, MacLeod. If you are willing, you can become a great one. MacLEOD - Maybe, if you don't wear me out first...
EXT. OUTER MONGOLIA – PRACTICE YARD – NIGHT [MacLeod has been studying with May-Ling for many weeks. He is near the end of a Kung Fu kata with fierce joy. The night is lit by fire and moonlight. MacLeod has had a master for a teacher and it shows. May-Ling watches him with a mixture of pride and something else, perhaps melancholy. He finishes and she approaches.] MAY-LING - You are a joy to watch, MacLeod. MacLEOD - I have a good teacher.
RITA - I couldn't say. IAN - I could.
MacLEOD - Losing him doesn't mean losing what he gave you, Joe. What Ian taught you, you still have. DAWSON - Do I? [off MacLeod's look]
RICHIE - He said he had to get away from it for a day. [beat] Look, man, humor me here -- tell me none of Mac's old enemies are in town. DAWSON - [The truth, as far as it goes] None of his old enemies are in town. [a beat]
| INT. JOE'S – NIGHT [After hours. The place is abandoned. Dawson enters, flicks on the lights. Moves across the room toward the stage. Tired and reflective.]
[INTERCUT:] EXT. ISLAND CABIN – NIGHT [MacLeod hauls branches along the shore.] INT. JOE'S [Dawson's on stage, playing gently, barely more than a tuneup.] EXT. ISLAND CABIN – NIGHT [MacLeod sits silent and still, a low fire scorching the rocks that radiate heat.] INT. JOE'S [Dawson's into it, spilling out the blues, trying to shake off his worries. Sweating with effort and concentration.] EXT. ISLAND CABIN – NIGHT [MacLeod draws his knees up to his chest, wrapped up tight, gazing forward. All his exertion is internal...] CLIP FROM "SHADOWS" [MacLeod swings at "The Cloak" and finds himself standing over Richie.] CLIP FROM "COURAGE" [ON THE DOWNSTROKE As MacLeod kills Cullen and collapses, drained.] CLIP FROM "PHARAOHS' DAUGHTER" [Nefertiri plunges her sword into MacLeod and he goes to his knees.] CLIP FROM "TURNABOUT" [Michael Moore is on his knees, MacLeod standing over him.] MICHAEL MOORE - Duncan, if you care about me, you have to kill Barnes. MacLEOD - Forgive me, my friend... [As he swings...] CLIP FROM "OBSESSION" [Keogh, muddy from battle, stares up at MacLeod, nothing but hate in his eyes.] KEOGH - Finish it, MacLeod! Because if you don't, I'll be coming for you. EXT. ISLAND CABIN – NIGHT [MacLeod emerges from his meditation into the cool night air, breathing deeply. He looks at the copy of the Chronicle beside him. Flashes back to his memory of May-Ling.] INT. JOE'S [Dawson finishes a blistering run and sits in silence for a moment, hanging his head over his guitar, drained and released.]
[Richie is ecstatic, but down plays it.] RICHIE - I was in the neighborhood. [beat] Mac... It's good to see you. MacLEOD - It's nice to be seen.
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