Episode 22: Finale, Part Two
Scenes from the DVD set's "Final Shooting Script"
that do not appear in the episode.
[She slides the removable hard-drive into a laptop computer on his desk (NOTE: it is connected to a full size computer monitor.) She scrolls to a screen, then stops.] CHRISTINE - Damn you. Look!
This line is not in the original shooting script.
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[Amanda shrinks back -- this isn't funny anymore.] AMANDA - I'm sure you're not a eunuch!
[MacLeod throws her a look -- what does she think he's doing? -- and swings hard at the lock. It shatters open. More guards arrive. MacLeod tosses Amanda the sword of the unconscious Gate Guard. As they fight, backing down the corridor--] MacLEOD - I could've been with that Persian girl. Why did I do this...? AMANDA - Because you love it.
These lines are not in the original shooting script.
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These lines are not in the original shooting script.
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EXT. JACQUES VEMAS' GARDEN - DAY [Vemas is in his garden, not far from a large garage, splitting wood with an ax. He's really taking it out on the wood, muscles rippling as he drives the blade down, sends the splinters flying. As he brings the ax up on a backswing--] KALAS - [O.S.] Jacques Vemas. [Vemas' POV - Kalas approaching. Vemas recognizes Kalas -- but he's a tough one, been working with Immortals for decades. His rage overcomes any fear he might feel.] VEMAS - I know you. KALAS - And I know you. [beat] Not going to run? You have a chance. VEMAS - [with contempt] Like the Watchers you murdered? They were my friends. KALAS - Let's not get stuck on petty details. [beat] You and I have something to discuss. [Vemas flares, the veins in his neck bulging.] VEMAS - We have nothing! KALAS - On the contrary... You have my files. You know all about me... wouldn't want anyone else to know all about me. [Vemas takes a stance, hefting the ax. He's white with anger.] VEMAS - I spent my life Watching. Never thought I could kill an Immortal. [beat] There's a first time for everything. [Vemas swings. Kalas' sword is suddenly out, deflecting the ax-head into the ground. Vemas wrenches it free, swings again. He's hard and muscular, but he's fighting a master. Kalas dodges blows, deflects another one -- then presses the attack. Vemas falls back, raises the ax to shield himself -- but Kalas cuts the ax handle in two with a single stroke. Vemas throws the loose ax-head at Kalas. The garage is behind him. He turns and runs for it.]
EXT. COUNTRY ROAD APPROACHING VEMAS' CHATEAU - DAY [MacLeod, in his car, driving at high speed, really flying.] [WIDER - The car as he takes a turn on the road, fishtails, and screams on.]
INT. JACQUES VEMAS' GARDEN - LARGE GARAGE - DAY - CONTINUOUS [Vemas quickly locks the slide-bolt door behind him, looks frantically around for something to defend himself. Vemas' POV - The wall and a gas chain saw hanging there. Vemas rips it from the wall, braces it on the floor with his foot, and yanks hard on the starter-cord... nothing.] [ANGLE - the garage door splintering under the blows from Kalas. Any moment and he'll be through.] [RESUME Vemas cursing, desperately pulling the starter. Finally the chain-saw sputters, roars into life. Vemas hoists it, turns the whining machine to the door just as Kalas smashes through the door, finds himself facing an armed and dangerous Vemas. With nowhere to run, Vemas looks around desperately. He spies--] [Vemas' POV - a scaffold of large engine parts hanging from the ceiling by ropes and a pulley. Vemas lunges for the rope that anchors the pulley system to the wall and cuts it with the chain saw. The scaffolding drops, spilling engine parts onto Kalas who drops to the floor under their weight. Vemas approaches Kalas, chain saw at the ready to take Kalas' head. As he pulls the saw back to take his final swing, Kalas pulls Vemas' foot out from under him, spilling Vemas to the ground. Vemas drops the saw.] [NEW ANGLE as Kalas grabs Vemas by the hair and pulls him from the floor. Kalas pulls Vemas' head back, exposing his neck, and places his blade to Vemas' throat. Vemas is no coward. He's gone this far, and with his last bit of bravado--] VEMAS - I'm not afraid to die. KALAS - [leans close to Vemas' sweating face, his smile pure evil] There are worse things than death. [beat] But enough about you, let's talk about me. [And OFF the trapped look on Vemas' face--]
EXT. JACQUES VEMAS' GARDEN - DAY - SHORTLY AFTER [MacLeod's car careens into the drive, slides to a halt. MacLeod jumps out, enters the garden -- he sees the two pieces of the ax on the ground. He raises his eyes. MacLeod's POV - the garage and protruding from the broken doorway, a pair of feet.] [NEW ANGLE as MacLeod moves to the shed, looks down at Vemas -- the man is clearly dead. MacLeod gets the BUZZ.]
This line is not in the original shooting script.
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EXT. ROOFTOP GARDEN - DAY [Kalas enters the rooftop garden, which has a number of plants behind which a body might hide, expecting MacLeod. He smiles as he gets the BUZZ. He looks around the rooftop and sees no one. He draws his sword.] KALAS - Come out... Come out... Wherever you are. [Still nothing. He moves deeper onto the roof.] It's only a matter of time.
[A massive blow sends Amanda back against the edge of the roof. She climbs on top of it and beckons to Kalas.] AMANDA - [taunting him] What's the matter, Kalas? [beat] Afraid of heights? [Kalas stays on the rooftop. Amanda continues to taunt him.] It's easy. Just put one foot in front of the other. [Kalas climbs up on the edge, more agile than one would imagine.] You're not as clumsy as you look. [He presses the attack. They exchange several blows while maintaining their balance on the narrow roof edge. Kalas' attack pushes Amanda back to the corner of the building. Then, with a sudden thrust, he disarms her.] [Amanda's POV - Her sword spiraling to the street far below.] KALAS - You're next, my dear. [As he swings, Amanda somersaults from the roof, managing to grab onto an empty flag pole jutting from the corner. She pulls herself up onto it and perches there like a gymnast on a balance beam.] AMANDA - Some other time. [She leaps to the roof of the building next door and runs off.] [Kalas glances after her, then turns and leaves. As he moves off Martin steps from the shadows from where he observed the fight. He looks toward where Amanda went, hesitates -- he's HER Watcher, but Kalas is getting away, and Kalas has the disk. He makes the decision -- and follows Kalas.]
In the shooting script, Amanda's confrontation with DM doesn't happen until later. (See SCENE SIXTEEN.)
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[Dawson slowly toggles off the phone, looking suddenly tired. He looks up, meets MacLeod's eyes. As he does, we -- FADE OUT.]
MacLEOD - Don't ask. METHOS - Did I say something?
MacLEOD - Maybe. [beat] What's the last thing you'll see? KALAS - [a sneer] Does it matter? [MacLeod's face says yes -- it matters.]
METHOS - Well. There goes my shot.
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