
DISCLAIMERS: Regarding the stories suggested on this page -
I liked them when I read them, so if they suck just assume
I was in a weird mood that day . . .

Regarding the content of the stories - I'm a die-hard Spuffy fan, so . . .
the pairings are mainly Buffy/Spike with other canon relationships in the wings.

Adult stories, including slash, can be found HERE.

NOTE: I have most of these stories archived as plain 'txt' files.
(charset UTF-8 encoded)
If you would like one or more sent to you,
please let me know: cjspratt at hotmail.com

Click on for a detailed list of stories
when a series is exceptionally large.

ff.net - Fanfiction.net - http://www.fanfiction.net/
AAS - All About Spike - http://www.allaboutspike.com/author.html (defunct*)
AO3 - Archive of Our Own - https://archiveofourown.org/
DML - Death-Marked Love - http://www.catnip.me.uk/other.html (defunct*)
TC - The Crypt - http://lubakmetyk.infinology.net/crypt.htm (defunct*)

*defunct archives can still be found via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine

Episode Guide: (spoilers!!)

6x06: All the Way (Dawn halloween)
6x15: AYW - As You Were (Riley)
6x1-2: Bargaining (Willow raises Buffy)
7x02: BY - Beneath You (worm demon)
2x16: BB&B - Bewitched, Bothered, & Bewildered
         (Xander's V-Day spell)
5x16: The Body (Joyce dies)
7x22: Chosen (series finale)
6x18: Entropy (Spike/Anya)
5x22: The Gift (Glory finale)
7x15: GID - Get it Done (Spike's coat)
6x22: Grave (evil!willow finale)
7x04: Help (psychic Cassie)
7x06: Him (love jacket)
5x18: Intervention (Buffybot)

7x13: KIM - Killer in Me (chip misfires)
7x17: LMPTM - Lies My Parents Told Me
         (Wood attacks Spike)
6x17: NA - Normal Again (asylum)
6x14: O&FA - Older and Far Away (bday)
4x08: Pangs (Thanksgiving)
7x03: STSP - Same Time, Same Place
         (Willow returns)
7x05: Selfless (Anya's choice)
7x11: Showtime (UberVamp dusted)
7x08: Sleeper (Spike's been killing)
4x09: SB - Something Blue (B/S engagement)
4x17: Superstar (Jonathan's spell)
6x08: TR - Tabula Rasa (forget spell)
6x10: Wrecked (morning after)

ARCHIVE(S) Spoilers
AUTHOR STORY misc ff.net

10/02 angeloser Waking the Dead 190195 6x17
~ future-fic in NA universe

10/02 Anne Rose Checkers AO3 47579 5x18
~ Post-Intervention

10/02 ArcaneJill Never Doubt 143603 6x14
~ Valentine story (Post-O&FA)

10/02 astraea2 Something True 192355 4x09
~ Willow does a truth spell. (Post-SB)
6/03 The Spirit of Thanksgiving 192355 4x08
~ Post-Pangs, Xander isn't cured.

6/03 Athena Parthenos Late Night Musings and Cigarette Smoke 266469 7x15
~ Buffy & Spike heart-to-heart. (Post-GID)

10/02 Barb C (Rahirah) Boys' Night Out AO3 52153 5x22
~ Vamp kidnaps Spike & Xander. (Post-S5)
10/02 1. A Raising in the Sun AO3 5x22
~ Bad guys try to raise Buffy. (Post-S5)
6/03 2. Necessary Evils AO3 S-7
~ AU S6: Willow channels the First.

10/02 Belial In the Light of Day 47275 5x16
~ AU season 5 end, Post-The Body

4/03 BK the Irregular The Scarab 90507 4x22
(Stargate x-over) - Goa'uld in Sunnydale

10/02 Brynn McK Balancing Act 50658 6x15
~ Spike gets the chip out. (AU S6)
10/02 Dancing 50658 6x11
~ Buffy & Spike POVs, Post-Wrecked
10/02 Happiest Place on Earth 50658 6x12
~ Spike gives Buffy & Dawn a vacation.

10/02 ChristinaK Runaway Trains series (Smallville x-over) AO3 6x10
10/02 1. Runaway Trains at 3AM 12597 6x10
~ Dawn & Clark meet while running away.
10/02 2. Lines of Communication 12597 6x12
~ phone calls between Dawn & Clark

6/03 clare009 Summer Son AO3 42824 6x19
~ AU of Spike going to Africa. (Post-S6)

10/02 Cody Nelson Love, Give, Forgive AO3 5x18
~ Post-Intervention
10/02 Moonrise AO3 45968 5x22
~ AU S6 start - bringing Buffy back

10/02 Cornerofmadness (D.M. Evans) The Whirligig of Time 83218 2x16
~ Dru POV, Post-BB&B (char. death)

10/02 cousinjean And Miles to Go . . . AO3 5x22
~ TPTB have Spike bring Buffy back.
10/02 Future Imperfect AAS DML 5x22
~ Future-fic (300 yrs), refs to The Gift.
10/02 Getaway AO3 6x17
~ Spike 'kidnaps' Buffy. (Post-NA)
6/03 1. Something Other Than Dead AAS 7x12
~ response to JM's garden comment
6/03 2. Armor AAS 7x15
~ Post-GID, Spuffy B/S AU
6/03 3. Somewhere, a Place for Us AAS 7x15
~ Spike & Buffy talk.

10/02 Cyllene (Isle of Avalon) Eight Days a Week AO3 48793 6x06
~ Spike & Buffy patrol. (Pre-All the Way)
10/02 Love is Blind AO3 5x09
~ Spike helps Buffy regain her sight.

10/02 Deathtramp (elsibet34) 1. Bloody Marvelous TC
~ William begins life as a vamp. (S/Dru)
10/02 2. Born into Vengeance TC
~ Cecily gets a job offer.
10/02 3. A Master Himself TC
~ immediately after Bloody Marvelous
10/02 4. Among the Orange Groves TC
~ 1931 CA - Darla, Dru, & Spike

7/04 Dee Bradfield 1. Shades of Grey 217324 5x22
~ A psychic infection links Buffy & Spike.
7/04 2. In a Different Light 217324 A2x22
~ B, S, & Angel rescue Cordelia on Pylea.
7/04 3. True Colors 217324 A2x22
~ Problems with the link; Seth is born.
4/08 4. Equinox 217324 AU
~ Seth fulfills a prophecy.

4/03 Delenn Violent Tendencies 46351 5x06
~ short fic - ADHD Spike

9/04 dettiot What is Choice? 188332 7x22
~ Post-S7, Spike brought back as human.

10/02 emg After Dust 195293 6x17
~ Spike is staked (briefly) by Wolfram.

9/03 Estepheia Body Language AO3 92746 7x08
~ Spike/Anya during Sleeper

10/08 Eurydice11 / 72 Black Satin Voices 259252 4x22
~ Willow is kidnapped; B&S rescue her in New Orleans.
7/04 Charms of the Clarion AO3 259252 5x06
~ The CoW in Scotland, Kelpies & Spuffy.
7/10 1. Legions of True Hearts AO3 259252 3x22
~ In London, Buffy dreams of William. (Post-S3)
7/10 2. A Symphony of Echoes AO3 259252 3x22
~ Spuffy aftermath of magic-tea dreams.
10/08 Promise of Frost 259252 4x10
~ B&S stuck in cabin protecting little girl.
9/03 Rhapsody in Oil 259252 4x09
~ B&S are sucked into a magic painting.
10/02 1. The Hunt 259252 5x13
~ A Hell-Hound is on Buffy's trail. (S5)
10/08 2. Zephyr Ghosts 259252 AU
~ Soul Eaters target Spike and Buffy.

10/02 Evenstar Eloi AO3
~ Future-fic, Spike at Buffy's statue.
6/03 While My Vampire Gently Sleeps AO3
~ Buffy watches Spike sleep. (Post-S7 AU)

4/09 fastpilot The Summers File 217681
~ Police officer mourns Buffy's death. (Post-S6)

4/03 ghost02 (Kelso) Gifts 14687
~ Buffy's secret admirer. (S4 AU)

4/03 GreenGirl47 The World Can Wait 20578
~ Spike/Anya during Entropy

9/03 Grey Roses Bloody Poetry - Ashes 276810
~ Post-BY, Buffy helps Spike.

4/03 Gyrus Regression (with HonorH) 14635
~ Dawn is kidnapped for alchemy project.

10/02 Hayley Teague Broken AO3 188124
~ immediately Post-Beneath You
9/03 Deciding Destiny 188124
~ Buffy & Cordy wake up as Dru & Darla.

6/03 HilsK (Hilary) Three Little Words AO3 30978
~ Buffy thinks about Spike's chip in KIM.
8/09 The Fluffy Files (with Nebula) AO3 30978 S1-A5
~ Various episodes rewritten w/Spuffy ending.

10/02 HLynn Ordinary World 90812
~ Human-Spike story. (Post-Wrecked)
10/02 1. Sideways Shanshu AO3R DML
~ *Very* AU season 5 end.
10/02 2. Sideways Shanshu: Closure AO3R DML
~ epilogue

4/03 HonorH Regression (with Gyrus) 14635
~ Dawn is kidnapped for alchemy project.

9/04 irfikos Chain 393653
~ Warren controls Spike's chip.

4/03 Jane Davitt Saving Souls, Sunnydale Style AO3 231516
~ Magical posters announcing a 'revival'.

9/04 just jen (jen7) Fanboys 52347
~ Superstar - dedicated fans of Jonathan.

10/02 Jericho TGF (Tracy) When Eternity Lies in Balance AO3 68206
~ Spike's sent to heaven to get Buffy.

9/03 Jypzrose Return to Me AO3R DML
~ Spike's been missing for 8 months... (AU S6)

10/02 Kalima Radiance (Daemons Luminati) AO3 5999
~ Angels (not *Angel*) attack Spike.

10/02 Kallysten (kally77) 1. His Childe 225529
~ Buffy's sick & dying; Spike sires her.
10/02 2. Her Sire
~ 3 yrs later; Faith, Dru, and vamps-turned-human.
10/02 3. Their Soul
~ Buffy's soul is stolen; can Spike get it back?
7/04 4. Whose Destiny
~ The Slayers and Potentials face extinction.
1/08 5. Ficlets: Vampires / The Question / The Beach
~ Take place in the years after 'Whose Destiny'.
1/08 Baby Steps (& drabbles)
~ One of the better 'Buffy has a baby' stories.
1/06 Bloody Soul series AO3
1/06 1. Bloody Soul
~ S3, Spike was re-souled instead of Angel.
1/06 2. Fallen Demon
~ Rewrite of season 4, follows (1).
1/06 3. Heaven's Key
~ Rewrite of season 5, follows (2).
4/06 4. Secret Hell
~ Rewrite of season 6, follows (3).
9/04 Practically Perfect
~ Buffy makes a wish, turns Spike human.
2/08 1. To See the Sun Again
~ CoW kidnaps B&S to fulfill a prophecy.
2/08 2. Days in the Sun
~ Series of shorts about B/S and their kids.
2/07 Tabula Rasa Ad Aeternum (with Kantayra) AO3
~ What if the crystal wasn't broken?

9/03 Kantayra Behind Enemy Lines AO3 219005
~ The Slayers-in-Training sneak a peek. (Post-Showtime)
9/03 Fragments of the Future AO3
~ AU, series of futuristic Spuffy vignettes.
4/03 Memories Without Words AO3
~ Future-fic, The One, VERY weird.
10/02 A New Beginning AO3 4x08
~ Spike gets fed. (Post-Pangs)
9/03 Skull and Dagger AO3
~ Pirates attack Miss Elizabeth's ship. (AU)
2/07 Tabula Rasa Ad Aeternum (with Kallysten) AO3
~ What if the crystal wasn't broken?
9/03 Worth a Thousand Words AO3
~ Buffy watches Trio vids of Spike. (Post-S7)

4/03 Kaylorin 1. Akoshta 198064
~ Spike and Angel are tested.
4/03 2. Akoshta: Self 198064
~ The Scoobies visit the CoW.
4/03 3. Akoshta: Past's Problem 198064
~ Both Dru & Faith show up in SunnyD.
9/03 4. Akoshta: Ulterior Battles 198064
~ B & S find themselves in 1940 London.

7/04 Kimberley Rector When Hellmouths Collide (with Martha Wilson)
(Hercules:TLJ X-over) - The Scoobies get sucked through a portal.

9/03 Kimi37212 1. Healing 182835
~ Post-Showtime, Spike recuperates.
9/03 2. gnilaeH 182835
~ companion piece, Spike's POV

7/04 magista Fade to Black 203585
~ B/S PWP during "Chosen".

4/03 mahaliem A Demon's Deal 257032
~ Spike's soul is evil. (Post-S6)
9/03 An Open Door 257032
~ Spike & Dawn talk. (Post-LMPTM)

7/04 Martha Wilson When Hellmouths Collide (with Kimberley Rector)
(Hercules:TLJ X-over) - The Scoobies get sucked through a portal.

9/03 Mediancat Steak 223303
~ The typo demon hits Sunnnydale.

6/03 Meltha The Other Side AO3 122787
~ Buffy in Limbo w/William. (Post-S5)

12/06 Mezz Vero Amore
~ B/S reunion post-Chosen.

10/02 Miranda Adversaries AO3
~ B/S prophecy after Riley leaves.
10/02 Glimmerings AO3
~ B/S smut after Bargaining.
10/02 The Healing AO3
~ AU, Post-Intervention thru 'The Gift'.
10/02 Judgement AO3
~ Spike's challenge in Africa. (AU!)

12/06 Ms Trick Bite Me drabbles
1. Frost Bite
2. Drug Bite
3. Love Bite
4. Still Bite
~ B/S ficlets, ~100 words each

8/09 Nebula (authoressjean) The Fluffy Files (with Hilary) AO3 30978 S1-A5
~ Various episodes rewritten w/Spuffy ending.

10/02 Nos Leashing the Beast AO3 150500
~ Warren uses Spike's chip against him.

9/03 Opulence (opalescence) Something Alive 323357
~ Spike plants a garden for Buffy. (S7)
9/03 Lullaby 323357
~ A quiet Spuffy conversation. (Post-GID)

9/03 Ozfan Resistance 194798
~ Post-LMPTM Spuffy ficlet

10/02 pepperlandgirl Ice 233473
~ Ficlet about Spike's comment in NA.

9/04 Philip S The Angel's Knight 87128
~ *Very* unique theory about Hellmouth. (B/A, not B/S)

9/04 PhoenixMoon13 (HippyNikki) The Clarity of Hatred 225615 2x17
~ Spike makes deal w/Ms Calendar to resoul Angel.

2/22 pprfaith The Perils of Witch Slaying (Or How Buffy Ended up in Dinoland) AO3 7x22
(Jurassic World x-over) - Three things Buffy knows: 1. witches suck; 2. reincarnation sucks; 3. prehensile claws are kind of cool.

10/02 Redemptionistas Dancing Lessons: 1-3 5x22
~ Round-Robin trilogy (EXTREMELY long!)

10/02 Ripe Wicked Plum Bound AO3
~ Buffy's a ghost! (Post-S5)
4/06 Castaway AO3 3x08
~ Buffy & Spike, shipwrecked - don't read end of pt 5/6
(stop reading at: "Good night, my darlings," Joyce said softly)
10/02 Green Card
~ A fake marriage turned real?

4/06 Sandy S And They Danced AO3 237966
~ A funeral director's perspective.
9/04 His Way AO3 237966
~ New vamp Spike feeds during pub brawl.
10/02 1. Soul Fashion AO3 237966
~ Buffy takes Spike shopping. (Post-BY)
10/02 2. What's Hair Got to do With It? AO3 237966
~ B & S talk of gel/makeup. (Post-STSP)
10/02 3. There's a Hole in the Roof AO3 237966
~ Buffy considers forgiveness. (Post-Help)

4/03 sersi (& cylla) Something Bollocksed AO3
~ Something Blue w/ a twist.

9/03 Shaddyr Balance AO3 3849
~ Spike's soul caused S7's First Evil romp.

4/06 Shadowlass 1. A Very Joan and Randy Christmas AO3 224820
~ The crystal is never broken... (TR)
4/06 2. A Joan and Randy Valentine 224820
~ AYW rewrite, still have amnesia.

4/06 She's a Star Hoppy Legs and Twitchy Little Noses 49395
~ Write-up of Giles/Anya scenes in TR.

4/06 Shippy1 Normal Girl 333655
~ Buffy attempts a normal night out. (S6)

10/02 Shoshanna Until It's Gone AO3
~ Vamps try to wish all Slayers gone.

10/02 TalesOfSpike 1. Spike's Will Be Done TC 195620
~ Spike casts a spell during Entropy.
12/06 2. True Colors TC 195620
~ Buffy and Spike adjust to being engaged.
12/06 3. Ring of Fire TC
~ Dru kidnaps S, then Initiative kidnaps Dawn.
12/06 4. Fumbling Toward Ecstacy TC
~ The First Evil makes its presence known.
12/06 5. Angels and Demons TC
~ The First is defeated, series end.
12/06 6. The Moonlight Gamblers TC
~ Short story: Wes's bachelor party.
12/06 7. Boys TC
~ Short story: Spike, Wes, soccer games
12/06 8. What Was It About Wesley? TC
~ Short story: Rupie-bear's PoV
4/03 Gross Pointe Buff TC 195620
(Gross Pointe Blank x-over) - rewrite of movie w/Buffy cast

6/03 Terri Botta Here Is Gone AO3 75004
~ Post-6 souled-Spike sent back to fix S5.
10/02 Promise to a Lady AO3 75004
~ Another 'summer after S-5' story.

9/03 Tiana1 Heart & Soul TC 241495
~ Spike asks the PTB for a soul. (S6)

4/03 Tiger Sunrise (Tigerwolf) Into the Closet AO3 243016
~ Spike has a nightmare. (Post-Him)
9/03 Ohana: No One Gets Left Behind 243016
~ The Scoobs take a road trip to escape Glory. (S5 AU)
4/03 Safe and Warm AO3 243016
~ Buffy cares for Spike. (Post-Selfless)

9/04 treacle-antlers No Mistakes AO3 182483
~ Human-Spike w/amnesia. (Post-S7)

10/02 Trisha 1. Afterwards AO3
~ 20 yrs Post-S5, TPTB send Buffy back.
1/06 2. Satellite
~ Hate will lead him to his gift.
7/04 What He Left For Me 140419
~ Buffy thinks of Spike while patrolling. (Post-Chosen)

10/02 wisteria Ten Thousand 130556
~ follows Spike Post-Grave

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