We spent the evening exploring Gastown, which has an incredibly high concentration of Highlander filming locations.
Richie's apartment [49.282867,-123.107170] | Episode: 3x02 Line of Fire |
| The apartment building in Woodward's Development that Richie was living in during 'Line of Fire' has been replaced by a new, taller building, but the buildings shown here can be seen at the west end of the street when Richie is on the awning getting ready to jump off. |
Abbott & Cordova [49.282966,-123.10672] | Episodes: 1x12 Eyewitness, 3x02 Line of Fire, 3x07 The Lamb |
A bit further up the street is the intersection of Cordova and Abbott. These buildings were seen as the T-Bird drives past in 'Eyewitness', in numerous scenes between Richie, Donna, and Kern in 'Line of Fire', and as Kenny escapes on the schoolbus in 'The Lamb'. |
Donna goes into this building on Abbott after being confronted by Kern. | |
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The plaque visible on the side of the building in some 'Line of Fire' scenes is still there. I was curious about what it said, so I took a readable closeup. |
Antique Store (Blood Alley Square) [49.283085,-123.105154] | Episodes: 1x1-13 (with a few exceptions), 2x1-4 |
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At Carrall St, we turned north and popped into Blood Alley Square, home of MacLeod & Noel Antiques, so very well known from the first season. |
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The buildings along this side have been remodeled. The empty lot has a building now, and the fire escape is gone. (I came back the next day and took the second photo when the sun wasn't going down.) NOTE: Apparently the antique store entrance was a facade used for the show - it never actually looked like that except when they were filming. |
| View from antique store toward Carrall St. |
| View up Carrall St from the end of the alley. |
Gassy Jack statue in Maple Tree Square. | |
Bookstore: 213 Carrall St [49.28319,-123.104317] | Episodes: 1x05 Free Fall, 1x12 Eyewitness |
| Vera's Burger Shack used to be the bookstore (NOT Joe's) that Richie walks past with the girl he picks up at Tessa's art show in 'Eyewitness'. Also, Felicia Martin looks in the bookstore's window before going to the antique store. |
Gaoler's Mews [49.283246,-123.10465] | Episode: 1x05 Free Fall |
| Entrance to Gaoler's Mews, between 213 and 205 Carrall. |
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Gaoler's Mews has also been completely remodeled. In my opinion, this area was much prettier before it was renovated. Now it is very industrial-looking. |
Games Workshop: 203 Carrall [49.283326,-123.104366] | Episode: 1x02 Family Tree |
| Richie talks to an employee of the game store when looking for Mr. Stubb's candy store. Now it is a pub. |
Alexander St. Police Station [49.283584,-123.103631] | Episode: 1x02 Family Tree |
| View from Gassy Jack statue toward Alexander & Powell. I didn't walk over to get a closer shot, but the police station exterior is toward the left of the photo. |
Dojo [49.284721,-123.108851] | Episodes: 2x3,5,10,14 and numerous from season 3-5 |
| After pretty thoroughly exploring gastown, we walked down Water St to Cambie. Up the street from the Steam Clock, where Cambie dead-ends at the train yard, is MacLeod's dojo... or at least, the *exterior* of the dojo, as the interior was on a sound stage. |
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I had my cousin take some photos of me posing on the dojo stairs. The door used to be where the window is now. |
View below dojo stairs, as seen in 'Blind Faith'. | |
| Corner of dojo building, looking back up the street toward the Steam Clock. |
Water & Cordova [49.284541,-123.110497] | Episode: 2x01 The Watchers |
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Continuing down Water St, we came to the street corner used in the final scene of 'The Watchers'. The little red building sells tickets for the Hop On Hop Off bus tours, and apparently isn't always there, so I was lucky to be there when it was. |
New Jessup [49.284155,-123.109943] | Episode: 2x01 The Watchers |
401 W Cordova, aka 'New Jessup', one of the buildings from the montage of MacLeod looking for the address from the Watcher Chronicle. | |
| The 'New Jessup' street sign seen in this view was a prop, of course. This is actually on Cordova at Horner. (I took this photo on Saturday, when I realized I'd forgotten it on Friday.) |
Joe's bookstore [49.283884,-123.109517] | Episode: 2x01 The Watchers |
| Joe's bookstore (okay, it wasn't actually his bookstore; he just worked there) is now a coffee shop. This was taken Friday evening, after the shop had closed. I went back the next afternoon to get some photos of the interior while they were open. (See Day 2, Page 2) |
Kenneth Gord Publications [49.283774,-123.109753] | Episode: 2x01 The Watchers |
| Across the street from Joe's bookstore. My cousins are standing just to the left of the lamppost. |
By this time it was almost 8pm and we had seen as much as we could manage, so we grabbed a bite to eat at a Subway and walked back to the hotel. Thus ended my first day in Vancouver.