Looking for Kiem Sun A montage of locations showing Macleod driving around Chinatown.
Part 1 along E Pender St between Gore & Main [49.28039,-123.098588]
Driving west toward Main St.
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Pender St |
2015 |
Part 3 along E Pender St between Columbia & Carrall [49.280502,-123.102944]
Driving west toward Carrall.
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Pender St |
2015 |
2015 |
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209 E Pender St |
2015 |
Part 12 parking lot by 209 E Pender St [49.280427,-123.098740] (no longer there)
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Part 7 along E Pender St between Gore & Main [49.280292,-123.098524]
The same stretch of road as Part 1, except driving east toward Gore this time (past Pt 6: 240 E Pender).
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Pender St |
2015 |
I got a great picture of the building *next* to the Libra Trading Co building. The one that used to be Libra is just visible at a sharp angle on the right side of the street-view photo, between the red lamp post and 'no parking' signs.
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E Georgia St |
2015 |
2015 |
This building is also visible at the end of Part 11. The "Wing On" building is just down the street from this intersection.
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Intersection |
2015 |
Part 10 E Pender St, looking toward Main [49.280306,-123.098992]
At the end of the street in the screenshot, you can just see the base of the white pillars of the CIBC building at Main and Pender.
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[Photo by Jill Berticus, 2015] |
2015 |
Jill's photo is actually at 250 E Pender, a bit east of the target location (see Part 7).
Driving past "Wing On" Photo (now a Fido mobile phone store) toward the Keefer and Main intersection from Part 9.
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215 Keefer St |
2014 |
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2015 |
At last, the final portion of the montage, where MacLeod pulls into an alley near Kiem Sun's retreat. Surprisingly, this alley actually is near the Chinese Garden.
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Alley |
2015 |