Episode 2x14: Unholy Alliance
Vancouver Screencaps
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Manhattan skyline from S tip of Roosevelt Island [40.751217,-73.960438]
New York parking garage 132 W Esplanade Ave, N. Vancouver [49.311853,-123.080443]
Horton's warehouse unknown location
Planetarium H.R. MacMillan Space Centre 1100 Chestnut St, Kitsilano [49.276258,-123.144488]
& Vanier Park [49.276623,-123.143663]
Planetarium interior is at Season 4 Episode 9.
The Wellington 1615 Trafalgar St, Kitsilano [49.271606,-123.164474]
Park bench by ocean near Maritime Museum Ferry Dock [49.279106,-123.147618]
After looking at this scene again, I think we got the location wrong last time. We took photos at [49.278287,-123.147913], south of the ferry dock, but from the view behind DM in the reverse shot, I think it may actually be north of the dock at the tip of the little cape at [49.279106,-123.147618] instead.
Parking lot Lions Gate Hospital 231 15th St E, N Vancouver [49.321869,-123.0689]
Delaney's apartment 1593 Larch St, Kitsilano [49.271953,-123.162296]
Mercy Hospital (establishing shot) unknown location
2x14: Unholy Alliance
2x14: Unholy Alliance
2x15: Unholy Alliance II
2x14: Unholy Alliance |
2x14: Unholy Alliance 3x04: The Cross of St. Antoine |
Boat dock Maritime Museum Ferry Dock 1905 Ogden Ave, Kitsilano [49.278580,-123.147395]
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Last updated: March 18, 2019 |