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August 2000


Dear Friends,

Wow! The summer went by very fast and now we're back at A&M. I can hardly wait till we start going to the Wednesday socializations again. Mom's dogs in Sanger were all boring and wouldn't play with me, so I'm really looking forward to seeing all of my friends down here again. I've gotten so big over the summer that hopefully they'll still recognize me!

Mom starts vet school next week and since I have my jacket now, I get to go to class with her instead of being Back at A&M cooped up in my kennel during the day. I wonder if vet students like to play with tennis balls . . .

Earlier this month, Mom and I got to do a presentation for the Denton County Aggie Moms Howdy BBQ. We were the first speakers (well, actually Mom did all of the speaking), and I got to show off a new game that Mom taught me. She sits down in a chair, drops a pencil on the floor, and then tells me to get it. I bring it to her and put my paws up in her lap to give it to her. It isn't as fun as catching tennis balls, so to make it more entertaining, I like to pounce on the item before picking it up. Unfortunately, the 'pounce' doesn't work so well if I'm on a tile floor - I did that once and went sliding across the floor!

My biggest news of the month, though, is that I'm a web-dog now. Mom has had her own website for a long time, but over the summer she gave me my own section of it and I have a webpage up now. It has lots of pictures from our trip to Alaska, plus all of these newsletters that I've written.

Lotsa kisses,


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Last updated: February 23, 2022